飛躍道 將與 循道衛理楊震社會服務好處油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作, 於2009年7月18日合辦 "飛躍道 Parkour 體驗日", 並公開接受報名。活動內容為Parkour體驗, 當中包括Parkour 簡介, 簡單技巧體驗 及 動作示範。*** 日期: 2009年7月18日時間: 11:30-13:30活動地點: 佐敦官涌體育館對像: 13歲-20歲之青少年(男女不拘)名額: 16位收費: $30(非該中心會員者需先入會方可參與活動, 會員費為HKD$30 )** 名額有限, 先到先得。***** 報名方法: 請親身到循道衛理楊震社會服務好處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 進行入會手續 以及 填寫活動報名表 (該中心只接受現金)。**** 中心地址: 九龍旺角西 海泓道 海富苑 海欣閣 2 樓查詢電話: 23320969 (鋒SIR) ** HKPA Parkour Fun Day is being brought to the public by Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively on18 th July 2009. People who are interested in such fascinating experience of Parkour are welcome to join. There will be an introduction and demonstration of Parkour. Participants will also have a chance to experience such special sports by learning some basic skills.**** Date:18/7/2009Time:11:30-13:30Venue: Kwun Chung Sports Centre,JordanTarget: Boys and girls aged between 13-20Quota: 16Fee: $30 (Participants should join as member of the Centre where the membership fee is $30 for each person.)Application: The application procedure has to be completed in person at Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development, 2/F, Hoi Yan House, Hoi Fu Court, Mongkok West, Kowloon. Please note that only cash payment is accepted.** Application would be served on the first-come-first-serve basis.****** For any requiry, please reach Mr Govad Wong atYau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development2/F, Hoi Yan House,Hoi Fu Court, Mongkok West,Kowloon,or on 2332 0969.********* *