本會 飛躍道 已經正式成為 世界移動術學院 (International Art du displacement Academy) 之成員, 同時, 我們都已經得到PARKOUR GENERATION方面的同意, 將他們的文章翻譯為中文。特此通知。****Aannouncement
the HONG KONG PARKOUR ASSOCIATION is officially a member to the International Art du displacement Academy. We have the consent from PARKOUR GENERATION to translate their articles to Chinese.**** 世界移動術學院 (International Art du displacement Academy) 之網頁:
Web site of International Art du displacement Academy:
They will change their web site to:
( www.add-academy.com)這是Yamakasi 所屬之團隊 MAJESTIC 的網頁:
Web site of Yamakasi's team - MAJESTIC :
http://www.majesticforce.com/這是PARKOUR GENERATION的網頁:
This is the web site of PARKOUR GENERATION: