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Thursday, April 03, 2008

3月29日YOUTUBE 愛香港 fun享 party我們飛躍道非常有幸能於<>的影片比賽中, 分別於"獨立影片"和"精彩片段"2個組別中都得獎, 這無疑是對我們的信念我和我們的熱誠的認同, 得到別人的欣賞, 對我們所堅持的, 有別人去認同, 這比獎品, 榮耀更重要。

<> 是一個以愛香港為主題的影片比賽, 目的是希望香港人用影片記下自己身邊的事物, 用YOUTUBE來向其他人展示出自己眼中的香港是怎樣, 你為什麼愛香港。比賽分為2個組別, 分別是"獨立影片"和"精彩片段", 飛躍道分別以"飛躍道"和"I  Love  HK" 參加了2個組別的比賽,幸能2條影片都得到獎項, 最重要的不是獎項本身, 或是獎品, 而是得到別人的認同。於3月29日晚上, 香港YOUTUBE 舉行了一個得獎者的分享會, 當晚有不同的隊伍和得獎者表演, 飛躍道是第一隊出場的, 亦有上台分享, 以下是香港 YOUTUBE 方面將當晚的盛況剪輯而成的花絮和我們得獎的影片, 希望香港的文化事業可以有更多好像youtube的機構欣賞。29th, MARCH, 2008, HK Youtue share fun party

 HKPA is so lucky that can get 2 video win at the <> competition. There is “Independent videos” and “Highlight videos”. Certainly this is a identification of our conviction and passion, this is os much more important than the prize and honor.

<> is a competition with “Love Hong Kong”, purpose for HK people use the video to show what you think about HK, what why you love HK. There are 2 part of the competition, “Independent videos” and “Highlight videos”, HKPA differ “HKPA” and “I love HK” to join this 2 part, lucky we also get win of this 2 video. The most important things wasn’t the prize, that’s crtainly of other people.29th, MARCH, 2008, HK Youtube to hold a share party to all  champion, some great performer and champion come to perform there skill, HKPA is the frist team coming out, also have some share, here is the video edit by HK YOUTUBE, we hope there will get much more support to the HK culture, like YOUTUBE.YouTube愛香港 FUN享派對 花絮《飛躍道-YouTube愛香港 獨立短片》《I love HK-YouTube愛香港 精彩片段》照片:DSC_3107DSC_3111DSC_3115DSC_3116DSC_3117DSC_3227DSC_3231DSC_3233DSC_3240DSC_3252DSC_3249IMG_1560IMG_1561IMG_1563 

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