The HKPA will hold the up coming Parkour Introductory Workshop on 1 August 2010 to promote the development of parkour, and to share the correct understanding and healthy attitudes towards parkour. We welcome all applicants aged 12 or above, while for those under 17, parent consent letter is required. The workshop includes a series of briefing on Parkour/ADD, including its theories, ideas and basic skills, lead by HKPA coaches. For further information and application, please download the Memorandum below. Those who have been training in the Urban Parkour Academy that has not been in our workshop before should not hesitate to sign up!
Should there be any questions, comments or concerns please contact us at
飛躍道為推廣Parkour 運動之發展, 將正確和健康的Parkour 思想和認知推廣, 定於2010年8月1日舉辦新一期的Parkour認知工作坊, 歡迎12歲或以上人士報名參加, 而未滿17歲之人士必須有家長同意書方可參加, 當日會由飛躍道導師帶領, 進行一系列的Parkour/ADD之介紹, 包括理論、思想、基本技巧等。 早前參加了暑期 UPA 卻仍未有參與Workshop者更應從速報名。
欲知詳情或報名可到以下網址下載章程,如有疑問,可電郵到 查詢。