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Hong Kong Parkour
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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2009年7月25日, 飛躍道協會與循道循道衛理楊震社會服務處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作舉行了一個兒童Parkour的體驗日, 他們的年齡由7-13歲。

活動進行非常順利, 小朋友們玩的非常開心, 活動進行順利而安全, 小朋友都樂而忘返, 在家長同意的情況下我們將當日的影片剪報成了一段影片, 讓大家回味當日的活動, 也讓大家看看當日的活動情況。

另外, 本會攝影師Matthew 和Govad 也拍攝了一些漂亮的照片,  小朋友, 快來和你們的爸爸媽媽一起看看你們漂亮的相片!後記: 當日飛躍道的職員和小朋友打成一片, 大家都玩得十分開心, 也鼠開心能把Parkour的態度和認知帶給小朋友, 在活動其間, 飛躍道的大細路們都露出本性, 和小朋友們打成一片。In 25, July, 2009, Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively held a "Parkour experience day for kids", which was carried out fluently. The participants were from 7 to 13. The kids actively participated and were satisfied. The overall have been carried out safely. We have edited a short movie clip of that day for everyone to remember the happiness of the event.

Also, Govad and our photographer Matthew have taken some nice photos. Boys and girls, let's share your photos with your mum and dad!P.S. Both HKPA crew and kids enjoyed during the event. We are glad that we could introduce the attitude and knowledge of parkour to our participants. During the event, we all played like kids with our participants and had fun.照片/Photo:

http://www.fotop.net/Govad/kpw http://www.fotop.net/mw93036600/HKPA250709 

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