Youtube Live at San Fransisco.There are a event by Youtube today, Youtube Live at San Fransisco. A video edit by Julie Aagel form Parkour Generation, the video is about the parkour around the whole world and the video will play on live, at the same time, the San Fransisco Parkour team will have a show there, of cause, we are in the video.Here is the link of the video:, you can check out the Youtube Live event here: Live 於三藩市於今天, Youtube 於三藩市舉行了一個名叫 Youtbe Live 的活動, Parkour Generation的Julie Aagel 剪輯了一條影片, 是關於全世界的Parkour的, 而這條影片將會於活動現場播放, 於同一時間, 三藩市的Parkour 隊伍將會進行表演, 當然, 我們都在影片當中。這是影片:如果你想知道多點有關Youtube Live活動的資料, 可到這裡看看: