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New From the creator of Jackie Chan

So it seems the Hot days continue.

recently I was invited to walk the red carpet at an event, Wow it was an honor to have that happen.  It was for The opening of the new UME movie theatre in Beijing.

UME is the theatre chain in china owned my non other than NG See Yuen.

or Mr. N G as we cal him. Mr. N G is one of the coolest producers and film bosses out there.  Mainly because he gave me the chance to star along side Richie Ren and Fan Bing BIng in Contract Lover

but beyond that he is the Creator of Jackie Chan and Jean Cleade Van Damme.

as it's said on the preview of no retreat no surrender.  really check it out!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r248R-3Y3Fs     This new theatre is located in Fuli Cheng  by Shuang Jing qiao.   just south of jian wai SOHO.

also at the opening was John Woo,  and Wu Jing, along with Nicky Li Zhong Ji- (Ji suk)

as well Han San Ping the head of china film group was there,  it was a great event and the theatre will open officially in the end of September.  the inside looks great.  I'll have more pics of that soon.

plus they had everyone sign the wall and I got to sign my name on the star with all the big celebrities,

ok   hope to see you all soon.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Hey .. i heard you were out with my teacher (hao zhi hua) the other night. I was in Beijing this past weekend, but got in the day after. perhaps we'll meet next time around.
16 年多 ago
HAHA ... cool !!!
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dude, we are all living in this neighborhood now, I'm going to stop by the mall and see if Ian Power's autograph is till on the wall...
接近 13 年 ago


Ian Powers also known as 恒力 (Heng Li) is a Beijing based American Actor,Director,Stuntman / coordinator producer and screenwriter.


Beijing, China
November 22, 2007