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Ines Laimins
Actor , Model , Photographer
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Antoine Manceaux filming in HK

Today I worked with a team of production people that flew into HK to film a commercial spot for a European energy drink.  The director Antoine Manceaux flew in from NYC, the DOP Sven Siegrist from Berlin, and I had to ask how that happened.  The client had seen Antoine's NYC messenger biker clip online (below) and wanted to make their commercial spot with the same sort of action.  When I watch it, I keep thinking how did they get that shot?  Antoine and Sven had never worked together until this 3-day shoot, they made a great team, I loved working with them.  And I had my own messenger biker fly by me really fast too!!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkb3vaEr8FQ Here is the link to Antoine's site   http://antoinemanceaux.com/

Sven's work is also online at   http://www.svensiegrist.de/index.php

Lesson of the day?  Have your work visible online, anyone anywhere can see what you do and you could go places you never thought possible. 

I'll post the link to the commercial spot when it comes out, should be exciting to watch!!!

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Actor, photographer, writer, yogi based in Hong Kong....I create stuff http://www.imdb.me/ineslaimins/

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