Exciting news, a friend has just released this book of images of cars from the past, evoking a spirit of Americana of the 60s and 70s. . All photos taken and edited on the iPhone. You can also follow Star Rush on Instagram, which is an iPhone app that can be downloaded for free. You can post and share you own images and start having an interaction with a great creative community. Try it. Her name on IG is: @starrush360, you can also find me there: @inesinhk
Do check this out.....
Friday, August 26, 2011 at 10:30PM |
Glyn Evans
Star Rush, the iPhoneography blog and Mobile Photo Group member, has just released her first book of iPhone photography via Blurb [ link to book].
About the book:
"A symbol of the American Dream, a car is a metaphor built of imagination and steel, sculpted forms, the output of manufacturing lines and factories, hot sparks, working hands, physical labor, sweaty brows—the design of a dream.
Taken on the streets of Seattle in 2010-11, this collection explores feelings that cars of the 1960s and 1970s evoke in me, an immigrant, of an American past that is hard for me to get a handle on."
All images in Dream Car were captured and edited on iPhone 3Gs.
Actor, photographer, writer, yogi based in Hong Kong....I create stuff http://www.imdb.me/ineslaimins/