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Ines Laimins
Actor , Model , Photographer
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Matt Leonhart - Sexiest Man of the Month?

A few months ago, I did a series of photos for Matt before his move to London.  He's doing really well there with a few roles he is working on, a stage play as well as a few film shorts.   He's up for Sexiest Man of the Month for the September issue of Star Central Magazine, you can vote for him here:http://www.starcentralmagazine.com/voting/2012/09/11/sexiest-men-september-2012-edition/I'm happy to see he used one of the photos from our session, and also happy to see that he is one of the few men who is not topless.   Shirts off isn't always sexy!!   Here's a fun shot that he might not use for publicity because he's smoking, but I love it!!  Check out the link and vote if you agree.

over 12 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Actor, photographer, writer, yogi based in Hong Kong....I create stuff http://www.imdb.me/ineslaimins/

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