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It's been ages since I had everyone I love together in the same place. My heart is full. The year I began university was a year full of changes, changes which seemed terrifying at the time because they were so different from what I had been used to for the past 18 years. But looking back I can say most of these changes were for the better- things were changing at home, yes, but I was studying something I enjoyed (as compared to preparing for the dreaded A Levels), I began to realise my passion was something I wanted to turn into a career, and most importantly- God appeared in my life. That year, it felt as if my entire outlook on life went through a paradigm shift, and I saw my life divide into two eras- before and after university started. Time and again it struck me how bizarre it was that right up till Junior College my life seemed to just revolve around preparing for the next exam, and I couldn't see much more beyond that. How could I have let 18 years slip by like that? Being slow to realise things is something I've always been kicking myself about, even till today. But the only way on is forward. No looking back now!

wkwsci #NTUConvocation2017 #BachelorofCommunicationStudies

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Christian • actor • musical theatre nerd • VO artiste • storyteller • loud laugher • Chinese Singaporean ? yap.tiara@gmail.com


May 9, 2017
Singapore, Singapore