Tiara Yap
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So right before the Grand Slam, all the finalists were instructed to prepare a thank you speech in case we won something. I didn't win anything, but I'd still like to share this part of my speech that I wrote on my phone after delivering my final monologue. I honestly couldn't remember another time where I'd felt so much nerves, and I knew I let it get the better of me. It prevented me from connecting with my words and really believing in them, so I knew I could've done better. But I love that I learned this. And I love that I was crazy enough to take part in this in the first place, something even some veterans in the jury admitted they wouldn't do. The finalists of the Singapore Monologue Slam aren't done with you yet, you're definitely gonna see more of us, and that is a guarantee! ??

over 6 years ago 53 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Christian • actor • musical theatre nerd • VO artiste • storyteller • loud laugher • Chinese Singaporean ? yap.tiara@gmail.com

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May 9, 2017
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