Tiara Yap
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When I was growing up I always thought I had pretty decent arm strength because I always got an A for inclined pull-ups and beat boys in (left) arm wrestling. It was only when I got to uni and found myself spending 90% of my time lugging around film equipment that I realised MY LIFE WAS A LIE. Please enjoy my best Matilda impersonation post-arm workout in core yoga today and no I was not trying to subtly flex anything cuz I have nothing to flex except jelly arms. So glad for this YM branch in the east within walking distance from my home!!!!

almost 7 years ago 61 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Christian • actor • musical theatre nerd • VO artiste • storyteller • loud laugher • Chinese Singaporean ? yap.tiara@gmail.com

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Member Since
May 9, 2017
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Singapore, Singapore