Official Artist
Jae-Ho Chang
Director , Screenwriter
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this is some scary sh*t

was going through some old pictures on my computer and found this. 

a couple of things that i have noticed:

  1. i used to look like my mom, but gradually i started looking like my dad.

  2. i had no eyebrows until i was in high school.

  3. the picture of me with the 'butt cut' sporting the turtle neck is the scariest one.  and yes, i was very proud of the braces. 

  4. i have a very long neck.  maybe i was onto something with the turtle necks.

  5. i look like an alien that needs a tan in the picture where i am only wearing a white shirt.  take note: the very long neck.

i hope you all had a good laugh.

rock on!


• current music: Romeo and Juliet - Indigo Girls

over 16 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares
Photo 35692
Awww. Jae-Ho, you were a cute little boy, and now you're a good-looking man. But it's still fun to laugh at the way we were. My husband might be a few years older that you, but he has an awesome mullet pic from age 16 (in 1991). I love those old pics. How we change.
over 16 years ago
the first pic has such a cute smile.:)i like
over 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
for hallowween, you should shave your brows and dress up as yourself as 10 yrs old... turtleneck and all. If I am to dress up as my teenage self, i would need those napolian dynamite glasses... sweet. I will look you up when I'm back next week, i'll be there just in time for Halloween myself and for the election. A yr ago, i dressed up as a liger
over 16 years ago


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