Jae Leung 梁卓生
Actor , Composer , Singer
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Full House

First of all, I'm glad to say that The Full Monty was completely Sold Out since last Wednesday. Congrats! But that also resulted in me missing the last show. I'm sorry to those whom I've promised I'll catch it.And I guess I'm guilty for not updating about whats all Match in the Ring is all about, and before I could properly blog about it and publicize it, I'm sorry to inform that all 4 shows are COMPLETELY SOLD OUT!!  Anyways, its a family heartland-type of skit. I'm acting as, as usual, a 16 year old boy-next-door who's going through the period of his biggest examination yet. We've all been through that period, and I think the role BRANDON that I'm playing is a very likable boy. In short, this is a very Singaporean production and we'll be speaking in their native language, Singlish!Its the first time I'm working with Gemia, not as an actress, but a director. I'm glad I'm working with an actress-turn-director as they always do consider things from an actor's point of view. Shannon too, its our first time working together.We are acting as Mother and son! Although she'll be staging December Rains with me as well, which I'll talk about later. Yit Sim is a very established actress here in Singapore, and we've worked together once in the first short film I did 'Lovers.Players'. Glad to see her again :)Read more about Match in the Ring from Director Gemia Foo  HERE and lead actress Shannon Su  HERE. Also starring Qingshui, Gary Sim, Kong Yit Sim, Derick Qiu Jinwei, Guan Jinsen and Jane Chia.On the other hand, December Rains will be having a 'Toy Factory 20th Anniversary' Special! From now till 7th July (Which is the actual birthday of Toy Factory Productions), there will be a 20% off CAT A, B, and C tickets. Its even better than our cast discounts!  I heard that the ticket sales are already closing into 85% sales. So with this offer, I believe we'll be SOLD OUT SOON! Grab your tickets before 7th July!  Oh, and for those of you in Singapore, catch 'Entertainment on 5' on the 7th July 8pm on Channel 5. There will be a special episode on December Rain. Feels so good to be performing for Full Houses ^ ^ Will be blogging about rehearsal happenings soon!

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July 6, 2008