Official Artist
James Stewart
Fashion / Costume Designer
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ZORIS spring Z008!!!

Zoris Apparel just released their spring OH8 collection! Clearly a brand that catches your attention, the homie Drew and the crew are on their way to greatness! They have been pumping out T’s for a while but I truly feel this spring line is their best work yet! Defiantly something you need to get your hands on!!!

Make sure you check their web page at: http://www.zorisapparel.com/ for t-shirt purchase alllllso a SNEAK look at the upcoming SPOONS shoes in RED!! Look for big things coming from this brand in the very near future!

With the above T you are given a free shirt marker and can actually TAG your name on the shirt! Dope!

Im lovin this shirt!! simple is always a buy![](/attachments/2008/05/87427_20080525054602219.jpg)Remember the "JUST DO IT" shirts by Nike? Well Zoris is making a point with their "JUST ZOR IS" t.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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