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Jasper Wong
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Elephants and Vaseline

The other day I decided to enjoy one of the great American past times. No, its not a delicious slice of apple pie or baseball in a corn field with Kevin Costner. What is it then? Well, its none other than writing definitions on Urban Dictionary!Amongst royalty and peasants alike, Eugene Kan the managing editor ofHypebeast,  is known as the most extreme man on the planet. There is actually a sport named after him and it is simply known as Eugene Kanning. Here is a quick rundown of this delicious yet nutritious feast of awesomeness:Eugene Kan counting down the times he has Eugene Kanned.Eugene Kanning (dong-kee moh-lest"er) adj.An extreme activity that involves at least three sheep, five priests, and one lonely obese girl. Similar to badminton, the game usually consists of balls being hit over a large object. In some countries, it is also known as extreme teabagging but sometimes it may involve the use of a petrified elephant testicle and a one gallon tub of vaseline.It is illegal in the United States of America, because it has caused acute testicular shrinkage in 20% of all Asian American males."I'm 64 and a chronic masturbater with a disturbingly large Beanie Baby collection, because I enjoy Eugene Kanning too much when I am in Sunday School.""I'm extreme and I Eugene Kan on a daily basis. The only side effect is that I ejaculate dust."To see it in Urban Dicitionary, prance and dance your way tohere.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Jasperwong af jasperwong
Hahaha...it was actually a card from a brand called UNDFTD...but, I just thought the picture matched the definition. I love Urban Dictionary! By the way, I think twisted and bent is definitely a good thing!
over 15 years ago


www.jasperwong.net . www.above-second.com

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