Dinner time at one of the best Italian restaurants in Tokyo. They really know how to treat you right. They bring out all the available dishes and just keep feeding you. And feeding you. And feeding you. Check out AK completely surrounded by food that they brought to our table!
Tonight’s dinner guests included Shawn Stüssy/formerly Stüssy (duh) and now S-Double, Hiroshi Fujiwara/Fragment and AK/Nike. In case you don’t know, Shawn basically (and accidentally) founded what we call “Street Culture” today. So to hear the stories of how it all began, from the mid 70s, straight from the horse’s mouth is pretty incredible. If you sit and think for a moment…notice Shawn sitting on the “west” and HF sitting on the “east”…and you think about what kind of trees, roots and branches this duo is responsible for, it’s mind boggling. I’m just happy to be present and accounted for. Damn…
hello from new york city.