Official Artist
jeff staple
DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer , Author
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What does New York City mean to you? Is it a person? A place? A thing? An emotion? Whatever it is, we call it a #ReedStateOfMind. Share a photo of what NYC means to you & hashtag it #ReedStateOfMind for the chance to get your photo made into a shirt to be sold exclusively at @reedspace! Check out the 1200+ incredible photos submitted so far! Deadline is Sunday 11/1. ??? (This is open to the entire world! You do not need to reside in NYC. Nor does your photo even need to be taken in NYC! #ReedStateOfMind is worldwide.)

about 9 years ago 306 likes  0 comment  0 shares


hello from new york city.

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, japanese
Location (City, Country)
New York City, United States
Member Since
June 12, 2008