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HK 3.

I had an awesome time the last few days in HK! Reunited with some old friends, met new friends, ate some great food, got some good pampering and did some shopping as well...all in all, a nice holiday.


If you're in HK, you MUST check out the Grand Hyatt Hotel's famed Dessert Bar. Imagine a Sizzler's, but ALL incredibly prepared desserts! It's a dream. Or a nightmare, depending on how much weight you're trying to lose. 香港を訪れたときGrand Hyatt Hotelのデザートバーに絶対に行くべきです。Sizzler'sみたいですが、すべてすばらしくおいしいデザートなんです。夢のようでした。ダイエットで痩せようとしている人にとっては悪夢ですが。

( Nat, Annie/ Know1edge, and Daniel Wu)

(Dan and Patrick. Patrick runs AliveNotDead with Dan and he was also the OG co-founder of Rotten Tomatoes.)

(DanとPatrick。 PatrickはDanとともにAliveNotDeadを経営し、 Rotten Tomatoesの創設者の一人でもあります。)

(Brian/ 852...funniest man in HK hands down.)

(Brian/ 852。。。香港で一番面白い人、間違いない。)

I also got to catch up with my old friends Mandy, Maya and Nicole. Ex-New Yorkers who moved to HK and now spend their days missing New York! haha...This is at the restaurant Tai Ping Koon, one of the oldest "western-style" spots in HK. Awesome food there and chill ambiance.

古くからの友人、Mandy、MayaとNicoleとも再開できました。彼女たちはみな元ニューヨーカーで今は香港に移り、ニューヨークを恋しがる毎日を送っています!笑。。。これはTai Ping Koonという香港では最も歴史のある洋風レストランです。おいしい料理とまったりした雰囲気。

On the flight back home, we stopped in Anchorage, Alaska to refuel and I ate my first ever Reindeer Sausage. Pretty damn good! 帰りの便では給油するためアラスカのアンカレッジに止り、僕は生涯初のトナカイソーセージを食べました。結構いけます。

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
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接近 16 年 ago
Photo 319485
Sound like great fun! Recently I've been inspired to visit Hong Kong. Can't wait to tour there! I've always had to skip over when I go from Japan to South-Asia. Thanks for the insight :) I look forward to it. Best, ~Shairah~
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 31454
oh shit yummy!
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 39875
That was a good night....next time, we have some more good spots for your sweet tooth!
接近 16 年 ago


hello from new york city.


english, cantonese, japanese
New York City, United States
June 12, 2008