Official Artist
jeff staple
DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer , Author
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DJ Muro makes a rare appearance in NYC. He's here on a trip of vinyl digging and crowd moving. Muro stations himself in NYC while making day trips out to places like Pennsylvania and Virginia to dig for old records in dusty stock rooms. You know that's love. This week, he played with Q-Tip at Santos, Chairman Mao at APT and Neil Armstrong at Fat Beats! Not a bad trip!

ニューヨークではめったに見ないDJ Muroが登場。彼はこの旅でレコード掘りと群衆を動かしにきました。ニューヨークに滞在しながら日帰りでペンシルバニア州やバージニア州へほこっりっぽい倉庫にある古いレコードを掘りに行くようです。まさに愛ですね!今週SantosでQ-Tipと、APTでChairman Maoと、Fat BeatsでNeil Armstrongとまわしました。悪くないね!

What was even more incredible to me was his girlfriend's nail job! Look at dem things! They're like half an inch off her finger. Japan always does things next level. She runs a nail salon in Osaka and is just a magician with the rhinestones. Check what she did to Muro's mint case! I got mine's on order. Get in line.


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
she do that for the trip to the US? Very Patriotic nails.
almost 16 years ago


hello from new york city.

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, japanese
Location (City, Country)
New York City, United States
Member Since
June 12, 2008