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jeff staple
DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer , Author
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I was debating whether to write a post about this application called THINGS. I try to share on my blog here all the cool things I encounter in my daily life. But THINGS is SO GOOD and SO POWERFUL that I was honestly afraid to unleash its dopeness on any possible competitors that read this. I consider myself someone who can handle many different things. But I don't want to sacrifice accountability and dependability in taking on all these different projects. The moment that happens, then I consider myself a failure. I've been using THINGS for over a month now. It's a task management application loosely based on the concept of David Allen's Getting Things Done. I read GTD, but couldn't really incorporate it into my lifestyle for whatever reason. But THINGS...THINGS just works. I use the desktop app in conjunction with the iPhone app and it's pretty much flawless. Like with any good system, you have to read the directions and follow the rules. If you give it that, it gives back to you 10 fold. When I was young, a mentor told me, "Your organization leads to the disorganization of others."...on some Sun-Tzu, Art of War shit. You can ignore this post. I want you to.

このTHINGSというアプリについて書こうかどうか迷っていました。僕が日ごろ面白いものに遭遇したときにこのブログで紹介しています。でも、 THINGSはあまりにも良く、影響力大なので、このすばらしさを世に出して他の競争相手に読まれるのを恐れていました。僕は自分が色々な事を同時にできる人だと思っています。でも、数々のプロジェクトを引き受ける際に僕は責任感と信頼性を絶対に犠牲にしたくはありません。それらが欠けた瞬間、僕は失敗とみなします。僕はTHINGSを1ヶ月ほど使っています。 David AllenのGetting Things Doneのコンセプトに基づいたタスクマネージメントアプリケーションです。僕はGetting Things Doneを読みましたが、僕のライフスタイルに組み込めませんでした。でも、THINGSはばっちり。僕はデスクトップアプリをiPhoneアプリと同時に使っていますが、完璧に近いです。いいシステムには欠かせませんが、説明を読み、ルールに従うこと。それをすれば10倍の事が返ってきます。僕が若いころ、恩師が僕に、「自分の自己管理能力は他人の混乱につながる。」。。。と孫子風な事を言っていました。このポストを無視してもいいです。むしろしてください。

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 50728
Wow, looks amazing! I'll give it a shot. Hopefully I can get rid of effin' around with 38 stickies on my desktop.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 319485
Sorry, I couldn't ignore your post ;) I'm a dedicated Mac/iPhone User from the start. THINGS looks awesome! I'm very organized with projects and deadlines but this may be the perfect iPhone App when I'm detached from my Mac. Thank you!! P.S. Sun- Tzu ROCKS
almost 16 years ago


hello from new york city.

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