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jeff staple
DJ , Fashion / Costume Designer , Author
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Check out this. Saville Row meets Wembley Stadium. I love how Umbro used the aesthetic and functionality of suit tailoring and combined it with the needs of real athletes.

See...I wish we could utilize our Reed Annex space to really showcase projects like this. Kind of show an insight into how a tailor like Aitor works, and get a little historical lesson into the making of these England football kits. Hmmm...maybe I'll make a couple of phone calls.

見てください。Saville RowとWembley Stadium。Umbroがスーツのテーラーリングに用いられる美学と機能性を本物のアスリートのニーズと融合しているところが凄いですね。

こういうプロジェクトをショーケースするためにReed Annexのスペースを使えればいいのに。Aitorのようなテイラーがどのような仕事をするか、そしてイギリスサッカーのユニフォームが歴史上どのように制作されてきたかについて展示したい。う〜ん。。。ちょっと色々と電話してみます。

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
I've been collecting England kits since I was a kid and I love what Umbro has done with them. I'm always the first sucker in line for them. I buy them for my girlfriend, too, to help with the indoctrination.. I particularly liked what Umbro did with the last Away kit which was a sort of homage to the 1966 Away Kit. Anyway, let's hope the new kit will help them this weekend. Btw, you should design Liverpool's kit. I can't stand Reeboks's design.
almost 16 years ago


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