Jennifer Chiang
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Update: G.E.M, Race Wong & A Twisted Circus

  • Dedicated to all those people who say I never blog!!! HA!

Life has kept me busy the past few months... choreographing, performing and training new artists... so keeping it short but picture sweet here's a quick catch up...


An intensive 3 months working with the singer for her performance training. She went from a nervous and shy young girl who couldn't move a hand while singing and was petrified of dancing to her first full blown concert at Star Hall in December. Like a proud mama I had tears in my eyes watching her :)

We did 3 months of one on one training and 2 music videos together... 想講你知 & Game Over. I've also heard she just won an award for Best Live Performer!! My second Best Performer award winning artist :) After working with Sergey Lazarev for his concert tour he also went on to win MTV Russia's Best Live Performer 2008!

G.E.M and dancers as Paparazzi in 想講你知

On Set...

It's a wrap!

Game Over MV


My newest and most exciting project is the upcoming launch of Race Wong as a solo artist. This is our first Asian artist as Kelvin and I establish our Artist Development company in HK, working alongside Jon @ This Music Studio, Spencer Douglass, Business Manager, and Arne and Jonas.

Race is stunning, no matter what time of day or mood, she is simply stunning, but she is also talented and a very hard worker. We're busy putting together a hot new sound, something that's not been done before in HK, a sexy more edgy image, and overall developing a sophisticated yet quirky performer. I'd give you a sneak preview but I'm not allowed!! Maybe I can slip in something in a few weeks.... here's a few pics of us at the very beginning...

Recording in the studio

Everybody say eh-oh....

Happy Anniversary M1NT

I choreographed and performed in an eclectic show for M1NT's anniversary. With a trashy circus theme we featured 3 very different dance sets, singer Gretchell Yaneza, aerial artists and hosted by Simon Yin. Dancers were all teachers from Central Dance Studios. We're currently looking for sponsors, venues, other opportunities, so anyone interested please get in contact.

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the kind of papparazzi i'd like to see!
大约 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh sweet, she dances too!
大约 15 年 ago
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 62424
Aweseome blog Jen! Amazing that you've done so much in just a few short months!
大约 15 年 ago



english, mandarin
January 7, 2009