Jenny Deiana
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Looking for someone to lend me a video camera for one week to shoot a video reportage of one of the growing street artist in Europe Mr Chat who would spend a week in Hong Kong. Projects are growing with several public multi-sites events happening and a big interactive performance at the exhibition opening on March 20th. Can't say too much for now. In exchange we can get you free tickets for art basel and a private meeting with the artist. If you are interested to help or know someone that would be, please let me know. :) Thank you soooo much for your eventual help on this exceptional art experience in Hong Kong !

大约 9 年 前 5 赞s  暂无评论  1 share


French street artist living in Hong Kong works exclusively on murals for companies such as restaurants, bars, offices. Get your own pice of Art straight on your wall !


December 24, 2015