Jenny Yang
Actor , Screenwriter , MC / Show Host , Comedian , Author
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I'M COHOSTING! NEXT TUESDAY APRIL 26 #DTLA! #JessicaHuang @wonstancecoo 4EVAAA! #Repost @vconline: To celebrate the recent announcement that @freshofftheboatabc has been renewed for Season 3, come join @angryasianman and @jennyyangtv in screening this transcendent comedy during FRESH OFF THE SHOW at #LAAPFF2016! We’ll be showing that night’s episode and the following week’s episode. As an added bonus, cast and crew will be joining in for a Q&A after the screening. Get your tix now! http://ow.ly/4mQ0ra

dtla #littletokyo #janm

over 8 years ago 65 likes  0 comment  0 shares


standup comedian. host. writer. @jennyyangtv jennyyang.tv

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Member Since
January 6, 2016
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, California, United States