Jenny Yang
Actor , Screenwriter , MC / Show Host , Comedian , Author
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Reflecting on the whirlwind that was #LAAPFF2016 and moderating the @sagaftra new media panel at #VConlineC3. Five years ago at one of the first C3 conferences I attended on a lark because I was newly unemployed after quitting my former career in politics. Burnt out and not quite ready to fully commit to entertainment, I sat through the panels soaking in everyone's confidence and wisdom. Now I have some experience under my belt but so much more to learn. This panel helped me! It was a beautiful full circle moment. Oprah would've been proud. Thanks to the #APAMcommittee for having me!

over 8 years ago 73 likes  0 comment  0 shares


standup comedian. host. writer. @jennyyangtv jennyyang.tv

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January 6, 2016
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Los Angeles, California, United States