I get to play with the dopest humans on the planet. Thanks again for having us, Yale Silliman College! @aparnapkin #EmmaWillmann #nevernotauditioningforzoolander
Thanks for having me open @aparnapkin! Aparna is one of my comedy role models!!! And she kills it even after the mic battery dies. #SillimanCollege #WeWomen #YaleWomensLeadershipInstitute
Wrapped a comedy panel w @aparnapkin at Yale's Women's Leadership Conference #WeWomen and performing at #SillimanCollege common room 830PM tonight w #AparnaNancherla and #EmmaWillmann! ALL IMA DO TONIGHT IS TALK SHIT ABOUT YALE. #forgotwhatfreezingfeelslike #forgotwhatmytoesfeellike
Showering me w that women's empowerment knowledge #EmilieAries of @bosseduporg! Great distinction. Also can't over invest in other people's perceptions. Purpose over perception. #WeWomen
standup comedian. host. writer. @jennyyangtv jennyyang.tv