Official Artist
Jeszlene Zhou
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Hey peeps!   Been going slow on blog entries recently cause I'm busy packing up for Australia! Going for a nice little road trip down under, and exploring the Arts scene for a couple of months    Am really excited right now , although it's equally tiring to tie up loose ends & run my errands in Singapore . So please be patient if I'm taking a while longer to reply any messages or write up new blog posts. My acting career...Going down under doesn't mean that I won't be seen on TV or the big screen no more. Keep a look out for my appearances over the next few of months on Singapore TV, in Singapore Cinemas, Malaysian Cinemas, Festivals in Bangkok, Berlin and who knows where else?! More details on AliveNotDead soon!!Interested in my travels?Hit up my travel blogs to catch up on my previous Vietnam trip and my upcoming Australia trip on my Arts & Travel Blog, JustJeszFriends in Australia...I'll be traveling around VIC/ACT/NSW (and who knows where else?) so give me a shoutout or any travel tips you have either on my AliveNotDeadblog, JustJeszblog, Jeszlene's Twitter or FaceBook account.Life is getting really exciting year after year, and I'm going to be celebrating my birthday soon too! Can't wait for all the surprises life has to offer...love,Jeszlene

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
April 9, 2008