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Jeszlene Zhou
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Legal drama: 走进走出

Earlier this year, Singapore released a well-received English Legal drama entitled The Pupil. In fact, it's so popular, there's an encore telecast on air right now.  But that's not the point of this blog post. The point is, legal dramas are so in, there a Chinese version on Ch8 right now! AND... I'm in it! =) I pretty psyched that I've a role in both the English + Chinese versions, and for the exact number of episodes nonetheless! 如萍阿姨also acted in both series, and it was a joy seeing her again, as she was a huge part of my stint as a child actor!  This is also my first 好人 role on Ch8!!!!!   Finally I'm done playing the antagonist, and my on screen tears are actually justifiable! (Another similarity between both my legal drama roles. Although I wonder why I'm always crying when I'm not playing a bad guy)  Here some of my 可怜兮兮  face during our rehearsals / script reading. (Ch8 dramas usually conduct rehearsals right before a take, instead of on separate days.)  That's 燕金 导演 (left) walking us through the reading.  As you can tell from the background, rehearsals are conducted during crew setup time. Ain't they technically efficient?  Before the camera starts rolling, let's check out how the actors look on screen. Ops! Some loose fringe that needs tidying. That's probably the director's fingers pointing out flaws to her Assistant Producer (AP).  Ready or not?!  hmm... wonder why I look bewildered here. (Do notice the background's no longer camera crew running around, but extras sitting in as office staff! ~Little details of the TV world~)Now my “big” scene   During most project, there's often a scene I look forward to, or get obsessed with. For 走进走出, this goes to my fainting scene. This looks like a pretend fall (for camera blocking), or the end of a take. hmmmmm.... I must have been waiting for the next scene, and being pensive while touching my hair!  Finally!  I know this doesn't look like much but after falling down on various spots, balancing both emotional aspects of my character and making sure I fall into the camera frame, it did hurt my knees a little *pOut~   I was also really scared of crushing  蕙雯cause she's so petite! Thankfully we already have a rapport going on from our previous collaborations in小娘惹&当我们同在一起so it helped me feel more comfortable leaning on her. After all, once you've kicked & slapped someone on screen, leaning your body weight on them isn't that awful anymore. So why did Ivy faint in 赵宁's office? Why does she look so sad? What's this new character about?  Stay tune to 走进走出 to find out more!  Love Jeszlene 

over 14 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Photo 40915
nice pic!
over 14 years ago
well done job my friend :)
over 14 years ago
Photo 22998
Congrats on all your stardom. :)
over 14 years ago
Photo 73139
Thanks Anton, Chunker, Johan & Pat! =) Raul, I'm always focused at work man! LOLz~ Mark, it's hardly stardom but always great to be working =) Thanks sweetie~
over 14 years ago
Photo 73139
Thanks Janpi =)
about 14 years ago


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