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Jeszlene Zhou
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Mickey @ HongKong's InDPanda International Short Film Festival

To those the peeps in HongKong!  What are your plans this weekend? How about taking a trip down to InDPanda International Short Film Festival, because...Mickey's an abstract but intellectual exposition of love, both in the emotional and scientific sense (in my humble opinion), and unlike what the photo suggests, is really nothing sleazy. Definitely an interesting take on love, by an awesome creative team.It's also a fun and delight experience in many ways.Not convinced?Here's some behind-the-scenes footage, which will hopefully convince ya to part with that 55HKD  RehearsalsEvery good art work requires loads of preparation and planning. So here's evidence of us busting our a** away. People are always curious about how intimate scenes are shot / prepared. Basically it always starts off with a good discussion of personal comfort zone, like, to what extend would the actors be physically comfortable exposing and/or touching. Often, a contract will also be drafted as a follow through (example clause: underwear will be worn at all times, and if manipulated, genitals will not be shown on screen).Also the actors will have opportunities to build rapport with each other, hence gaining a sense of trust with each other. Partial rehearsals also lessens the "first time awkwardness" that will inevitably pop up during the first take.Once we're done with the script analysis and all that heavy stuff, let's get to a script read!!Here's Joe and I started off pretending to listen to director Wesley's long list on instructions, but it soon faded and it disintegrated into boredom and frustration.On SetYet Wesley never stopped directing us with long speeches, right into filming  Actually Wesley's a really sweet and quiet chap. I just can't help myself with the selection of photos available, to pull a cheeky one. (Wes, if you're reading this don't be angry k? Jesz loves ya *gRiNz~)Seriously, being on set of was really really fun. Just check these pics out!!Fun, fUn, FUN!!![](/attachments/2010/08/25/16/73139_201008251609061.thumb.jpg)There's no better way to work, than to be having a good time, right?  And if I'm going down for this, so is everyone else!![](/attachments/2010/08/25/16/73139_201008251609066.thumb.jpg)(L-R) Director Wesley giggling to himself; Co-actor Joe trying to scare me while I touch up ; AD Pris messing in front of the camera.Sound man Shaz and I even started playing a game whereby we took pictures of each other taking pictures of each other taking pictures...  Obviously, people working behind the camera took better pictures than those who works in-front of the camera hmmm... there's no reasons for these pictures to be up, except I like how I look behind-the-scenes. *Narcissistic moment~!!!Hope these pictures and snippets of information's tempting enough to book those tickets for your film filled weekend! Remember it's 2pm this Saturday, at  InDPanda International Short Film Festival as part of the "Torn Between Love and Lust" Series.Till the next time,Peace out!!

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