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August 20, 2007: Professional Training Program for Chinese Film Crews | 2007年8月20日: 中國電影人才培訓計劃 | 2007年8月20日: 中国电影人才培训计划

It's been 27 years since films have became a significant part of my life.  I remember in 2000 while promoting "The One" in Beijing saying, "You don't have to see Jet Li's films, but you need to watch Chinese films".  I'm glad Chinese films have made a drastic improvement in the past few years; theater audiences have increased, and new box office records have been set.

Filming in Europe and North America, I feel that movies are an industry.  If we want chinese films to flourish internationally, it can't be a question of having a particular film succeed, but rather the entire film industry in China needs to march together towards the international community.  Being a Chinese filmmaker, naturally I hope that China's film industry can develop global influence.  Right now the news is usually focused on specific producers, actors, or the idol TV shows, which I don't necessarily oppose, because we can find talented people through these venues.  But from the perspective of exporting Chinese movies, and having foreign movies filmed in China, we are facing many production problems.  To develop a national film industry, our foundation must be solid.  I would like to see an orderly plan of some sort to develop and cultivate behind-the-scene talents from Chinese film schools or a professional film crew training program.

We need to cultivate professional crews to connect with and enter into the international film industry.  Adjustments are needed -- from assistant directors, producers, make up artists, prop masters, transportation and catering.  For countries which are already established in the international movie industry, we can see that all of these areas are managed by professionals.  For example, transportation.  How do we effectively set up and maintain vehicle use and parking space to not conflict with filming?  If there is professional training for each department, in the long run it will save time and money.  After all, the crew's purpose is to support the director's vision, giving him/her the best technical and creative resources possible.

Language training is also very important.  Everyone should be able to understand the filming terminology used in Cantonese and English.  For example, with international co-productions, you hear cases of the director and assistant directors communicating in English, while others on set might not understand; or of Hong Kong assistant directors who can't speak Mandarin properly.  How is he/she to help direct the actors?  When things are frantic, it's easy to have misunderstandings and unhappiness on the set.

I knew some farmers that worked in my earlier movies who, through many years of hard work, have become producers.  I am very happy for them because this is the result of individual initiative and struggle.  If there is a system by which we can train these talents, then we can truly march on to the path of the international film community.

A country with a strong film industry can't concentrate exclusively on the cast; the crew is also a vital component.  Filming is team work, requiring talent both in front of and behind the scenes.  We have many movies and TV shows to help cultivate actors, but there is still a need for a professional training system for those who are passionate about working in the film industry.

So, how to develop a system for cultivating professional crews?  It requires professionals from all the various departments to come together, discuss the issue, and set up an effective plan.  In the future, when major films come to China for production, we will easily be able to find professional crews to coordinate with the director on all aspects of filming.  But to achieve this we need to have worthwhile discussions and be realistic about how to deal with all of these details.

Aside from cultivating talent, this plan should also encourage annual conferences to discuss and further understand rules and regulations used in the Western film industry, such as employment systems, financial organization, insurance regulations, etc.  We need to learn the positive attributes from the Western world and adapt them to create a workable Chinese film industry.  With the fast-rising development of the film industry, the next few years is a critical time in setting up professional training programs and technical schools.

These are just some of my humble opinions on this subject that I wanted to share with all of you.|電影在我生命中是重要的組成部份,伴隨我27年了。記得2000年在北京宣傳<宇宙追緝令>的時候我說過: "你可以不看李連傑的電影,但要看中國的電影。 〞很開心看到中國電影這幾年突飛猛進的發展,進電影院的觀眾愈來愈多,也創造一些票房佳績。

在歐美拍戲讓我體會到,電影是個工業。如果我們夢想中國電影有天走向世界,那必定不是某部戲成功而已,而是整個電影工業邁向國際。身為電影工作者, 當然希望中國成為電影工業王國,在全球有很大的影響力。目前大部分媒體都偏重於某個導演,演員,選秀等,我本人並不反對,可在這些節目中發掘人才。但隨著中國電影走出去,外國電影進來中國拍片,我們正面臨很多制作方面的問題。若要成為電影工業王國,基礎必須打好。我渴望看到中國電影技術學院或職業培訓計劃的成立,有系統的培養幕後人才。







电影在我生命中是重要的组成部份,伴随我27年了。记得2000年在北京宣传<宇宙追缉令>的时候我说过: "你可以不看李连杰的电影,但要看中国的电影。 〞很开心看到中国电影这几年突飞猛进的发展,进电影院的观众愈来愈多,也创造一些票房佳绩。

在欧美拍戏让我体会到,电影是个工业。如果我们梦想中国电影有天走向世界,那必定不是某部戏成功而已,而是整个电影工业迈向国际。身为电影工作者, 当然希望中国成为电影工业王国,在全球有很大的影响力。目前大部分媒体都偏重于某个导演,演员,选秀等,我本人并不反对,可在这些节目中发掘人才。但随着 中国电影走出去,外国电影进来中国拍片,我们正面临很多制作方面的问题。若要成为电影工业王国,基础必须打好。我渴望看到中国电影技术学院或职业培训计划 的成立,有系统的培养幕后人才。

我们需要培养专业幕后人才与国际接轨。从副导演、制片、化妆、道具、到交通饮食调度。在先进的电影工业国家,我们看到这些都由专业人才管理。譬如车 调,在大型制片中,如何有效调度车辆,不影响工作情况之下排列车位等。若每个部门都有专业训练的话,可以节省成本和时间。毕竟所有幕后工作人员是配合导演 的创作,给他提供最大的技术保证与创作空间。





这个培训计划除了培养人才,每年应该举办各类研讨会,了解西方先进电影工业制度,如工会、融资方式、保险制度等。学习西方的优势,创立符合中国国情 的电影工业制度。随着电影业的蓬勃发展,在未来几年内,可能看到成立专业技术学院或培训计划的重要性。这是小弟的一点愚见,提出和大家分享。

17 年多 前 0 赞s  41 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha. not a very sexy blog, but very true... without professional people (and government support), a new industry can not develop. its not the most glamorous part of entertainment, but its a necessary gear in the machine.
17 年多 ago



Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007