Want to win a new Taiji Zen T-shirt autographed by me? Go to Taiji Zen 太极禅 to see how. Good luck!>It’s time for the Taiji Zen Salute Contest! Win one of our new, cool Taiji Zen T-shirts SIGNED BY JET LI.
Post a cool picture of yourself doing the Taiji Zen salute to the comments section of this post BEFORE JAN. 31ST NOON PST, and tag i t with #taijizensalute. The cool part can be anything -- where you do it, how you do it, with whom you do it, etc.
Jet Li and the team will pick three winners from the 10 most liked pictures, and those three will get the prize. So share and get your friends to like your picture!
To be eligible to win, you must be a registered member of the Taiji Zen Online Academy. Visit our website to register, it’s easy and FREE: http://goo.gl/6SwmOg
Please read the rules for participating in the contest here: http://blog.taijizen.com/taiji-zen-facebook-contest-rules