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Jet Li
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Happy New Year! | 新年了!



回想2006年,拍了一部好莱坞的电影,拍了半部《刺马》,其实最开心的还是壹基金计划开始行动。展望新的一年,《刺马》还有一个多月就拍完了,接下来如果没有大的变化,应当有 J&J 的电影开始拍摄。除了电影,我把更多的精力和心力放在壹基金,希望在四月的时候,可以向大家报告,几个月来的准备筹备。我一直坚信,就算是百亿、千亿富翁,捐出所有的钱也没法改变所有的贫困。所以我们要自己帮自己,每人参与一点点,一点点火,别人加点柴,再加点火,再加点柴,就会烧出一个爱的火。这就是壹基金的概念,我们是一家人,自己帮自己。在我们欢欢喜喜过年的时候,其实还有很多朋友在等待者或者需要我们未来的帮助。


Happy New Year! I want to wish everyone here a very Happy New Year. I Wish you all the success in each of your endeavors this year. And hope your New Year is bright and beautiful.

In my mind, we all grow from the Earth and live on it. We are all one family.

Thinking back on 2006, I made one Hollywood film and filmed half of "Ci Ma". Coming up next (if there are no big changes), I will make the "J&J" Project. And besides my film projects, I will continue to put my efforts towards the One foundation. I hope to hold a major press conference in April to properly announce the foundation and announce the kick off. At that time, I will report to everyone what we have accomplished so far. I want to emphasize again that everyone can participate in this endeavor. Even if all the millionaires and billionaires donated money to charity, they can’t change or save everything. So we have to rely on ourselves. With everyone’s participation and love we can build something special. So while we are all celebrating and participating in various New Year’s festivities, let’s not forget about those who need our help and support.

Wishing you the best in 2007!

almost 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
March 24, 2007