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July 10, 2007: Action Scenes with Jackie Chan | 2007年7月10日: 與成龍的動作戲 | 2007年7月10日: 与成龙的动作戏

In the blink of an eye it's been two months and the movie is half finished.  Jackie and I have been shooting an action scene for the past two weeks.  The idea of making a film together is something that the two of us started thinking about 15 years ago.  If we had shot the film back then, the sum of our two ages would have been 68.  Now, 15 years later, we're finally making the film, and the sum of our years is 98, or, by the time audience sees the movie it will be 100.During production, Jackie and I have discussed the possibility of future collaboration, but of course it depends on various contingencies.  After this film is released, if the response is good, then we might have a chance to work together again.  If not, then probably not. Some things aren't possible even if you have the personal desire to make it happen.  Yes, we'd like to work together again, but whether that happens or not depends on those who view this film.

This is the way of life -- we can't control everything.  I'm sure you're concerned how this action film will turn out.  My personal feeling is, we both did our very best in making this film.  Whether it's good or bad -- everyone's opinion will differ.  Everyone has different criteria based on their standards or preferences, by which they judge the quality of the film.  But if everyone has different criteria, how can you judge the quality?  My basic principal is to simply do the best job that I can.

I've travelled all around the world and everyone has given me different responses.  Some like "Once Upon a Time in China", some like "Fong Sai Yuk", or "Romeo Must Die" or "Kiss of the Dragon".  It's very difficult to use a specific standard to judge the quality of a film.  Especially in recent years, with production costs escallating to new heights, they exaggerate the quality of the product being marketed in order to encourage the audience to spend their money.  Sometimes you walk in to the theater with certain expectations and end up being disappointed.  But without expectations you might end up being pleasantly surprised after seeing the film.  This is why I prefer to watch a film without expectations.

For 12 hours a day, two old men who's combined age is almost 100 years, are working away.  It's not an easy feat!  Haha!  I will spend the next two months focusing on finishing up my work.  And when you see this movie next year, let everyone give their own assessment!

 |轉眼兩個月, 電影已拍完一半了。我和成龍大哥的一場動作戲, 前後拍了兩個禮拜。我們兩個想再一起拍電影已經有十五年了。如果當時拍的話, 我們兩個加在一起的歲數可能是68歲。現在15年後, 我們真的拍電影了, 兩個加起來已經有98歲。等觀眾看到 電影時, 我們加在一起已經100歲了。

拍戲的過程中, 我和成龍大哥也在探討未來合作的可能性。這取決於很多因素。當然也包括現在這部電影未來在市場上的成績。若全球反應好, 那就還有機會; 若反應不好就拍不成。很多事無法以個人意誌決定。我們當然希望再合作, 但最終願望能否實現, 取決於觀眾。

生命就是這樣, 有很多我們無法掌握的因素。你們肯定關心這場動作戲好不好看。我自己覺得, 我們兩個都很盡力把這場動作戲拍好。至於好壞, 各人定義不同, 每個人都有自己認為好的座標或參考點, 座標的一邊是更好, 落到另一邊就是更差。每個人標準不同, 如何給予評價?我的原則是盡力做好, 就算有了交代。

走遍全世界, 觀眾給我的答案都不一樣。有人喜歡黃飛鴻; 有人最愛方世玉; 有人最喜歡致命羅密歐, 或是龍之吻。很難以特定標準去評價好壞。特別是近代電影, 制作成本偏高。 一個商品在宣傳時必然會用誇大的字眼去形容, 吸引觀眾消費。有時你抱了過度期望, 往往容易失望; 而沒有特別期望, 看完反而覺得驚喜。所以我喜歡以平常心看電影。每天12小時, 兩個加起來百歲的老人在那裏打, 挺辛苦的, 哈哈!現在已經過去了, 我會專註在把未來兩個月的工作做好。等明年你們看到這部電影, 每個人給予自己的評價吧!|转眼两个月, 电影已拍完一半了。我和成龙大哥的一场动作戏, 前后拍了两个礼拜。我们两个想再一起拍电影已经有十五年了。如果当时拍的话, 我们两个加在一起的岁数可能是68岁。现在15年后, 我们真的拍电影了, 两个加起来已经有98岁。等观众看到 电影时, 我们加在一起已经100岁了。

拍戏的过程中, 我和成龙大哥也在探讨未来合作的可能性。这取决于很多因素。当然也包括现在这部电影未来在市场上的成绩。若全球反应好, 那就还有机会; 若反应不好就拍不成。很多事无法以个人意志决定。我们当然希望再合作, 但最终愿望能否实现, 取决于观众。

生命就是这样, 有很多我们无法掌握的因素。你们肯定关心这场动作戏好不好看。我自己觉得, 我们两个都很尽力把这场动作戏拍好。至于好坏, 各人定义不同, 每个人都有自己认为好的座标或参考点, 座标的一边是更好, 落到另一边就是更差。每个人标准不同, 如何给予评价?我的原则是尽力做好, 就算有了交代。

走遍全世界, 观众给我的答案都不一样。有人喜欢黄飞鸿; 有人最爱方世玉; 有人最喜欢致命罗密欧, 或是龙之吻。很难以特定标准去评价好坏。特别是近代电影, 制作成本偏高。 一个商品在宣传时必然会用夸大的字眼去形容, 吸引观众消费。 有时你抱了过度期望, 往往容易失望; 而没有特别期望, 看完反而觉得惊喜。所以我喜欢以平常心看电影。每天12小时, 两个加起来百岁的老人在那里打, 挺辛苦的, 哈哈!现在已经过去了, 我会专注在把未来两个月的工作做好。等明年你们看到这部电影, 每个人给予自己的评价吧!

17 年多 前 0 赞s  70 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great post! you are doing a good job to lower our expectations! i expect to be pleasantly suprised! :-D
17 年多 ago



Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007