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Jet Li
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June 4, 2007: Yunnan Earthquake | 2007年6月4日: 紧急救助云南地震


六月四号,今天早上起来, 听到一个很不幸的消息.在云南普耳地区发生了地震 ,其实大自然就是这样, 我们根本不知道何时会发生自然灾害.身为壹基金计画的发起人, 我一直希望关怀心灵方面的问题,包括灾后的心灵重建.然而面 对眼前的自然灾害,


     我今天也和红十字会的几位负责人协商, 紧急从壹基金计画拨出十万元, 透过红十字会,将物资尽速送往灾区. 壹基金的概念就是, 每个人每个月一块钱,十万块钱就代表十万颗 心,希望灾区的朋友了解,在这块土地上, 很多人在关心你们,很多人的心和你们在一起,虽然我们在横店拍戏, 谨此代表所有壹 基金的支持者,向灾区的父老乡亲问候,我们永远会站在一起, 战胜所有的困难,因为我们是一家人.


When I woke up this morning I heard the unfortunate news that a 6.4-magnitude earthquake had devastated the Pu'er area of Yunnan province.

Nature is very unpredictable -- we can never know when things like this might happen.

The goal of the One Foundation Project is to help people deal with those questions of the heart and mental health issues which develop after these sorts of events.

However, when dealing with a natural disaster such as this, we also try our best to provide humanitarian aid to those affected.

After hearing the news I contacted my friends at the Red Cross Society of China and held a emergency teleconference with the management commitee of the One Foudnation.  An unanimous decision was made, and the One Foundation donated 100,000 RMB to be used for immediate needs in the area affected by the earthquake.

The concept of the one foundation is: Each person, Each month, 1 Yuan. This 100,000 yuan represents 100,000 hearts.  It is my wish that the victims of this disaster understand that they are not alone.  Even though we are in Hengdian filming a movie, so many of us care about you and our hearts are reaching out to you.

On behalf of the One Foundation's volunteers and supporters, we send our best wishes to those people in the disaster area.  We will all stand with you there forever, to overcome these difficulties, because we are all a part of one big family.


over 17 years ago 0 likes  40 comments  0 shares
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jet is the man! so generous.
over 17 years ago
Photo 23398
Mr. Jet Li of China/Hong Kong is like the Brad Pitt of America. Some celebrities are kind by bringing fortune or basic needs to unfortunate people. I can't watch the video yet, because I haven't installed any video software. But will ck it out 2morow. It's a fantastic foundation, is it affiliated with Bono's One organization?
over 17 years ago


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March 24, 2007