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McCann Erickson takes on Jet Li One Foundation|McCann Erikson 擔負李連傑壹基金計劃|McCann Erikson 担负李连杰壹基金计划

HONG KONG - The Red Cross Society of China Jet Li One Foundation Project (Jet Li One Foundation) has tasked McCann Erickson Hong Kong as its communications partner throughout China and Asia. by Benjamin Li    9-Mar-09, 10:58BBDO Shanghai works with the Foundation and McCann Erickson is now also working on a non-profit basis and is only charging for actual and third party costs. 

McCann will work on the Foundation’s core branding and campaign strategy and day-to-day work will be done by other local agencies.

McCann Erickson is currently organising a high-profile event in April, focusing attention on the first anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake.

“China has a population of 1.4 billion, if each person could contribute one yuan, it would be a significant sum for charity,” said Spencer Wong, MD, McCann Erickson Hong Kong. “We truly believed that one dollar has great worth. Jet Li’s mission is one person + one dollar = one big family. And we are at one with that.”

Jet Li One Foundation was founded by Red Cross ambassador and international kung-fu movie star, Jet Li, under a strategic partnership with the Red Cross Society of China. With its core focus in China and Hong Kong, the Foundation is due and is expanding internationally this year. | 香港 - 中國紅十字總會李連傑壹基金計劃(李連傑壹基金), 委任 McCann Erikson 作為中國及亞洲地區的通訊合作夥伴。 by Benjamin Li    09年3月9日 10:58

上海 BBDO 與壹基金和 McCann Erikson 合作, 現在也基於非盈利性運作, 只收取實際發生或第三方產生的費用。

McCann 將負責壹基金的核心品牌和戰略計劃, 每日運作的事務將由其它本地代理公司安排。

McCann Erikson 正在籌備一場將於四月舉辦的引人註目的活動,關註點為四川地震一週年。

香港 McCann Erikson 的 MD Spencer Wong 說,"中國有十四億人口,如果每個人可以貢獻一元錢,捐贈給慈善事業將會非常有意義",他還說,"我們相信,每一元錢都具有極大價值。李連傑的理念是'每個人+一元錢=一個大家庭',我們非常同意這個理念。"

李連傑壹基金計劃由中國紅十字會大使、國際功夫巨星李連傑先生與中國紅十字總會合作成立。壹基金主要針對的地區是中國大陸和香港,今年也有意發展到國際其他地方。| 香港 - 中国红十字总会李连杰壹基金计划(李连杰壹基金), 委任 McCann Erikson 作为中国及亚洲地区的通讯合作伙伴。by Benjamin Li    09年3月9日 10:58 上海 BBDO 与壹基金和 McCann Erikson 合作, 现在也基于非盈利性运作, 只收取实际发生或第三方产生的费用。

McCann 将负责壹基金的核心品牌和战略计划, 每日运作的事务将由其它本地代理公司安排。

McCann Erikson 正在筹备一场将于四月举办的引人注目的活动,关注点为四川地震一週年。

香港 McCann Erikson 的 MD Spencer Wong 说,"中国有十四亿人口,如果每个人可以贡献一元钱,捐赠给慈善事业将会非常有意义",他还说,"我们相信,每一元钱都具有极大价值。李连杰的理念是'每个人+一元钱=一个大家庭',我们非常同意这个理念。"

李连杰壹基金计划由中国红十字会大使、国际功夫巨星李连杰先生与中国红十字总会合作成立。壹基金主要针对的地区是中国大陆和香港,今年也有意发展到国际其他地方。| HONG KONG - The Red Cross Society of China Jet Li One Foundation Project (Jet Li One Foundation) has tasked McCann Erickson Hong Kong as its communications partner throughout China and Asia. by Benjamin Li    9-Mar-09, 10:58BBDO Shanghai works with the Foundation and McCann Erickson is now also working on a non-profit basis and is only charging for actual and third party costs. 

McCann will work on the Foundation’s core branding and campaign strategy and day-to-day work will be done by other local agencies.

McCann Erickson is currently organising a high-profile event in April, focusing attention on the first anniversary of the Sichuan earthquake.

“China has a population of 1.4 billion, if each person could contribute one yuan, it would be a significant sum for charity,” said Spencer Wong, MD, McCann Erickson Hong Kong. “We truly believed that one dollar has great worth. Jet Li’s mission is one person + one dollar = one big family. And we are at one with that.”

Jet Li One Foundation was founded by Red Cross ambassador and international kung-fu movie star, Jet Li, under a strategic partnership with the Red Cross Society of China. With its core focus in China and Hong Kong, the Foundation is due and is expanding internationally this year.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i'm glad to hear they're helping the One foundation too!
almost 16 years ago


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