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Jet Li
Actor , Producer , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Meeting with Tony Blair and the Climate Group|與托尼‧布萊爾和氣候組織會面|与托尼‧布莱尔和气候组织会面

This is Alfred Hsing Jet Li's Assistant - We are in Shanghai. We had a great meeting with Mr. Tony Blair and The Climate Group to discuss initiatives for more efficient energy use. We also talked about a renewed plan for the 1000-Village Solar LED Initiative. Jet Li was very happy to see Mr. Tony Blair again! | 我是 邢思傑(Alfred Hsing)﹐李連杰的助手 - 現在﹐我們在上海。我們與托尼‧布萊爾和氣候組織會面﹐並商談怎樣改善能源效率的事兒。我們也討論太陽能LED 照明千村的計劃和項目。李連杰能與托尼‧布萊爾再次相見﹐感非常高興!

| 我是 邢思杰(Alfred Hsing)﹐李连杰的助手 - 现在﹐我们在上海。我们与托尼‧布莱尔和气候组织会面﹐并商谈怎样改善能源效率的事儿。我们也讨论太阳能LED 照明千村的计划和项目。李连杰能与托尼‧布莱尔再次相见﹐感非常高兴< /font>!|This is Alfred Hsing Jet Li's Assistant - We are in Shanghai. We had a great meeting with Mr. Tony Blair and The Climate Group to discuss initiatives for more efficient energy use. We also talked about a renewed plan for the 1000-Village Solar LED Initiative. Jet Li was very happy to see Mr. Tony Blair again!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares
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looking forward to more blogs!
over 14 years ago
Alfred ... 你丫没事儿吧? 直接写不行啊? 非得说你是JET LI的助手???
over 14 years ago


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March 24, 2007