Jet thanks everyone for the kind wishes and would like to share a gift from his friend Vincent Lee with everyone here, along with this message:
"Thank you everyone for your wishes. For the past 46 years, I have been searching for the meaning of life. But now, I know that I can do my best to help our global family, our ONE family. Thank you for being with me here, and let's join hands to build a better future." |李連傑感謝大家的祝福,想在這裡與大家分享他朋友 Vincent Lee 送給他的一件禮物,以及這條信息:
"謝謝大家的祝福。這四十六年來,我一直在尋找生命的意義。但現在,我知道能夠盡自己最大的努力去幫助我們全球的大家庭,我們的"壹"家庭。謝謝你們在這裡支持我,讓我們一起攜手創造更好的未來。" |李连杰感谢大家的祝福,想在这儿与大家分享他朋友 Vincent Lee 送给他的一件礼物,以及这条信息:
"谢谢大家的祝福。这四十六年来,我一直在寻找生命的意义。但现在,我知道能够尽自己最大的努力去帮助我们全球的大家庭,我们的"壹"家庭。谢谢你们在这儿支持我,让我们一起携手创造更好的未来。"|Jet thanks everyone for the kind wishes and would like to share a gift from his friend Vincent Lee with everyone here, along with this message:
"Thank you everyone for your wishes. For the past 46 years, I have been searching for the meaning of life. But now, I know that I can do my best to help our global family, our ONE family. Thank you for being with me here, and let's join hands to build a better future."