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Jet Li
Actor , Producer , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Work in Sichuan Part 1|在四川工作(第一部分)|在四川工作(第一部分)

Happy early Cinco de Mayo everyone.

The 5th of May brings us about 1 week before the 12th of May, the day of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. As part of a week-long remembrance campaign, here is the first of an exclusive 2 part mini series honoring the victims of the earthquake.

Courtesy of Vincent Lee, this video depicts Jet's and the foundation's work in Sichuan immediately after the quake.

Here is part 1 of 2:


預先祝...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  27 comments  0 shares

Expendables Update|《亡命突擊隊》新消息|《亡命突击队》新消息

Jet is taking a quick detour to Beijing and Sichuan to attend the anniversary remembrance of the Sichuan Earthquake. Afterwards, it's on to New Orleans to continue shooting. More updates on the way.

Also, speaking of traveling, Jet sends his regards to everyone and hopes that everyone remains alert and healthy in the wake of the recent flu outbreak.


還有,提到旅行,李連杰為大家送上衷心祝福,希望大...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares


Jet thanks everyone for the kind wishes and would like to share a gift from his friend Vincent Lee with everyone here, along with this message:

"Thank you everyone for your wishes. For the past 46 years, I have been searching for the meaning of life. But now, I know that I can do my best to help our global family, our ONE family. Thank you for being with me here, and let's join hands to build a better future." |李連傑感謝大家的祝福,想在這裡與大家分享他朋友 Vincent Lee 送給他的一件禮物,以及這條信息:

"謝謝大家的祝福。這四十六年來,我一直在尋找生命的意...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  38 comments  0 shares


Took us awhile to get to the statue, but unfortunately a cloud drifted in just as we got to the top. A game of hide and seek ensued as we tried to snap pictures of Jesus when his face peeked through gaps in the cloud, but results were pretty mixed. Cloud wins the day, but we'll bring faster cameras next time.

| 走了好一會兒我們才到達那個石像,但可惜的是,正當我們到達...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares

Mountain Top View|山頂的美景|山顶的美景

Before arriving on Corcovado Hill we stopped by a nearby mountain top to take in the view. Brazil's beauty was absolutely stunning. Jet and the crew at the top:

|到達科爾科瓦多山之前, 我們停在附近的山頂上欣賞風景. 巴西的美景真是漂亮. 李連杰和工作人員在山頂:

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares

Hungry bee|饑餓的蜜蜂|饥饿的蜜蜂

While standing in line on Corcovado Hill, we bought some soda from vendors. It was a hot day, and apparently bees nearby were as thirsty as we were. After Jet opened his coke a bee crawled in unnoticed. Jet takes a swig and rather unceremoniously spits out the coke along with the bee. In the end both were OK-Jet didn't get stung and the bee shrugged off the soda and flew away.

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over 15 years ago 0 likes  25 comments  0 shares

BBQ in Rio|里約的烤肉|里约的烤肉

BBQ: We went to what was recommended as Rio's best BBQ. Jet wasn't very familiar with the different types of meat, so the poor guy in green ended up eating most of Jet's "try outs"


<...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares

Finished Shooting Expendables in Brazil|《亡命突擊隊》在巴西拍攝完畢|《亡命突击队》在巴西拍摄完毕

April 26, 2009; Brazil shoot finished. After a week in Rio de Janeiro, Jet has finished all scenes in Brazil, and is now prepping for the next shoot. Specific production details are hush hush, but  over the next few days we'll share some highlights from our adventures in Rio.


                    |2009年4月26日,巴西场景拍摄完毕。在里约热内卢过了一个星期后,李连杰...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares

The Expendables

After a hiatus of more than 1 year, Jet is on his way to begin production for his first film since The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Currently on a layover in Dubai, Jet will soon arrive in Brazil to begin rehearsal and shooting. Stay tuned for more updates!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  43 comments  0 shares

Jet Li interviewed at W.H.O. event in Beijing|李連傑作為親善大使首次亮相世界衛生日活動|李连杰作为亲善大使首次亮相世界卫生日活动

Jet Li did an interview for the World Health Organization event in Beijing last week:



|Jet Li did an interview for the World Health Organization event in Beijing last week:

over 15 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares


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