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Jimmy Hung
Animal Trainer/Handler , Singer , Chef
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Cupid! 丘比特!

I can finally take a breath now, as I was really really REALLY busy the last few weeks and now I guess I can finally get some decent sleep.

But something very odd is going around this week within the last 5 days of so, a few of my friends are trying to play cupid and set me up with some girls. So within 5 days, 5 separate friends trying to set me up with 5 different girls............ That's three 5's, 5 is my favorite number but............. Something very odd is happening here, must be the solar eclipse! But at the end I think I'm not very good with setup and I think most people are that way, because if you know your friends are trying to introduce you to someone and you finally do meet that person, it gets a little awkward. So a little advise to all the cupids out there, if you are trying to set up your friends! Don't! I repeat DON'T tell them about it! Just introduce them, it's easier that way and it's a lot less uncomfortable.


但是這5天有一些奇怪的事情發生,我有好幾個朋友要檔丘比特說要介紹女生給我認識。所以天以內有5個不同的朋友說要介紹5個不同的女生給我認識。。。。。。 三個5,雖然5是我最喜歡的號碼但是。。。。。 有點怪,可能是日蝕的關係。。。。 我對朋友介紹女生還滿不習慣的,因為如果是介紹的話。 檔我看到對方的時候會很不自在。所以我給大家一個小忠告,如果真的想介紹的話最好不要說,直接介紹就好了。這樣雙方都比較不會覺得奇怪!

Jimmy (More......)

over 15 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
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Member Since
March 15, 2008