Jimmy Hung
驯兽师/宠物训练员, 歌手, 厨师
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Just finished moving! 搬完家了!

I just moved into my new apartment, so I'm living out of boxes but besides that I'm really really happy with my new place. The area is basically the same area as my old apartment, about 150 meters away but its a very refreshing change. Even though moving is a huge pain but it guess it's all worth it, now that I have a more comfortable home. The best thing about my new place is the sunlight, especially now since I wake up really early everyday. I'm planning to clean out all the boxes in a week or two, hopefully I can take care of a 2-3 boxes a night. It was scary how much stuff I had at my old house, besides the all the big furniture's I had a totally of 30 something boxes that I moved into my new apartment. I don't know how I can have so much stuff, I want to say that a lot of the stuff was Tension stuff but Tension stuff was only about 4 boxes...... I think I've already unpacked half the boxes and it's already starting to look a lot better but I'm still trying to decide what to do with the rooms (study or guest room?).

我剛剛搬到我的新家,所以家裡還是堆滿箱子的,但是我還是很喜歡我的新家。 新的地方裡我的舊家差不多150米左右但是還是覺的很新鮮。搬家真的很麻煩但是算值得,因為會住的比較舒服。我的新家最好的地方是陽光很好,尤其是現在我都會早起。我希望再過幾個禮拜後可以吧家整理好,每一天整理2-3箱。我的東西是多到有一點恐怖因為除了大的家具以外我有擦不多30箱的東西。我不知道我這麼會有那麼多東西本來還想說都是Tension留下來的東西但是實在Tension的東西只有4箱左右。我已經有吧一半的東西整理好了所以已經舒服很多整理完要開始想其他的房間要這麼辦(書房還是客房)?

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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Taipei, Taiwan
March 15, 2008