Figured I'd arrive at the @tyrese album release #BlackRoseInStoresToday #RnBAintDead meet & greet an hour & half early. Guess I'm not the only early bird. ? First (and maybe only) Jimmy sighting! Shout out to my man @jizzyjazzyjames. Appreciate the love! It WOULD be the only other yellow brother on line to recognize... ???? The adventure continues!!! Sign and share the petition if you haven't yet, link in my bio! #furious8bringbackjimmy #SoThePlanIsToJustRunUpOnRomanAndStartFreestyling #ItsMeJimmy #ThisCanBeMagicalOrDisastrous #GirlInBackFaceSays #ImBoutToMeetMyBaeTyrese #SelfieStickGameStrong #MineIsInMyBookbag