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Joanna Yang
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10th April Detailed Scan

Today woke up after my normal routine including chatting in the AnD shoutbox, bathed and went out with Mr Cloudz, which is a very rare occasion. Coz he specially took urgent leave, and Thursday happened to be my only free day. So we spent this day together without work.

We went to Marina Square for a quick lunch @ Carl's Junior. Shared a portebello mushroom beef burger set completed with very yummy chilli beef cheese fries  and big cup of drink which we chose-lemon tea. In the middle of our food, the working lunch crowd started to form a long queue. lucky we just missed the crowd. Coz soon after we went to the cinema for a show which was starting soon. Used my remaining value from the gift card given during last christmas to pay for the tics, tho had to pay another dollar more. Caught a korean movie think called Sex is Zero 2, didnt watch this b4. Initially it's quite farny and slightly porny with the gals flashing their breasts (guys dun have to drool at this point...) some big, some real skinny...while doing it supposedly. I was thinking wao, they're really not shy at all with flashing their boobies to the silver screen. Later it evolved to a pretty touching love story, quite sweet n slightly teary. The female lead looks a lot like another actress think called Li Xin Jie, the one who acted in the ghost movie The Eye i think. And i didn't realise she was the actress who acted in Princess Hours who was the rival of the lead. B4 tat planned to go for yummy malt shakes at Billy Bombers, but too full from lunch tat we just ordered 2 flavoured ice-creams in a cup from Azabu Sabo (jap restaurant which had nice hokkaido ice-cream desserts)-i chose dark chocolate, mr cloudz chose cookies & cream. Not bad, was quite good. Too bad couldnt choose the yummier rum & raisin due to alcohol content? Walked towards the carpark as it was time for my detailed scan.

Tot was late, but was on time. The person as usual put the cold gel on me and started the probing for the scan. She started saying out a list of measurements to another person who recorded them down. Initially wanted to ask as she measured, but i was afraid it'd interrupt their work, so kept quiet till the end. She said she measured the head, the body, the legs, and i saw on the scanner kidneys as well. After tat went to my gynae and 'checked-in' but i was like 1 hr early. So nurse told me to do the routine (urine) test then maybe go for dinner, it was like only 5pm! So walked and we checked out the food court which we always passed by. Mr Cloudz & i had 2 roti prata each with chicken curry gravy only. Pretty filling and the curry gravy was spicier than other shops. Wanted chicken to go along so mr cloudz bought from a Malay stall for me. Had a nice apple & starfruit mixed juice to wash down. Slowly walked back to the Private Suite. Was the 1st on queue and shortly the nurse came out to call me in. This time Dr I didnt even do the scan since the detailed scan was done with the pics. She explained to me the measurements. The 4 sections of the heart, the direction of the blood flow, the nose bridge, the lips (any signs of cleft lips) but they're fine, the kidneys, the thigh bones, and she told me the 2nd photo the baby was sucking its thumb! Tat's cute...Mr cloudz tot baby was blowing air bubbles...i was like huh??? dun think so...oh yah, speaking of bubbles, check for no bubbles in the head (no cysts). And the measurements are compared to the highest and lowest range of babies. Mine was medium. I gained 4 kg and am on my 21st week (think ard 4 mths). She said normal weight gain is around 12-20kg, but 8kg is still ok for Asians, as long as baby is healthy. Then asked her which week is the last week i couldnt travel overseas, she said the 32nd week, but airlines allow up to 34 weeks. But to play safe, she said 32nd week is 25th June. That's like one week right after my planned vacation week and also my last year's pre-wedding photoshoot date! How time flies, 1 year already. Also asked her about cosmic radiation (which is many times more than X-ray radiation) while flying since my doc friend mentioned, she said there's no scientific proof that it affects the baby. Her client flies frequently due to work, and baby's alrite too. Very short the consultation ended. The shortest this round since detailed scan was done alrdy. So expensive, detailed scan was like $70 over, and the short consultation plus routine test cost $69, just like that! i was mumbling to mr cloudz can we just visit her less often like once in 2 mths instead of 1 mth. heh. hospitals are really profiteering nowadays.

We were still full, deciding between Bishan Junction 8, or home as it was raining. Both of us felt full and sleepy. Suggested to go Melben the famous crab eating place near his house. Uncle Leong was quite empty, was quite tempted to go back there, but choose to see how good Melben is by trying it out. Tot they also had the Jin Sha crabs, but they only had butter cream crabs which we ordered with fried man tou (buns) to dip the sauce with. Initially ordered oat prawns, but replaced it with fried seafood beancurd instead. Then mr cloudz ordered his favourite satay (bbq meat on stick) and 2 bbq chicken wings. Was STUFFED, Couldnt even finish my favourite tofu....took away for my sis-in-law or whoever who want to eat. Not cheap for just tofu....$8 for 8 pieces....u can buy almost 4-5 loaves of square breads for the small piece of tofu... Bill came up to about $60 over. Paid becoz mr cloudz paid the day's expenses, so felt i should pay. We finally went home after the whole day. Okie will check my camera if it's charged to post the scanned pics.

Ah here they are...

Dr I. says baby is sucking it's thumb here  

 And yes, finally we know the gender. It's Baby Stariel~!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
aww Stariel. That's a big 'bubble' she's blowing heh.
over 16 years ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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