Joanna Yang
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1812 Overture

Listening to this beautiful grand piece by Tchaikovsky right now. You can hear the lovely bells, like church bells, so i'd have the real church bells plus the bells from this CD, and fireworks sounds... The cut version of only the last 1 min 24 secs, is to be used for my Church March out Song. I was worrying on how to cut the song, coz it's 16 mins long!!! But Mr Cloudz managed to do this important step for me...very glad.

Was just asking my friends wat music shall i use for my church march out music when "a" mentioned this song. I was like "YES!" Coz I LOVE this song when it was played during the fireworks/bombings part of V For Vendetta (u should watch this show!!!). Anyway it's commonly used during fireworks on National Days in countries including SG i guess, and maybe the States even? At least on TV haha.

Want to upload this song, but haven't got down to using Imeem program since very long time ago :P Uploaded the full version on my Multiply (link under my About or Profile, can't remember), but u can listen to the last 1 min 24 secs heh...

My fiance just scanned our photos for our montage just now, now we just need to burn the music You're Everything (Misia) together in a CD ROM and drop it personally into the photographer's mailbox in Chinatown (sigh so troublesome), in case it gets lost in the snail mail...

My priest's secretary just said he'd be joining for the dinner banquet on All Saints' Day. We'd have to say Grace before dinner commences by inviting him.

Very very sleepy now, especially after my Sat's long duration of 6 grp classes. Tmr 6 classes again...Monday is the last day of work before my long break!!!! Can't wait....haven't had a proper holiday since Jan this year.

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007