Joanna Yang
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Birthday 2007

Had a pretty nice celebration yesterday. Although it was pouring in the morning and afternoon...Woke up at 6 plus to go toilet, then saw my youngest bro, Benjamin going to school...Was thinking if i should fetch him when my mum requested me to. Ok 1st time fetching him in the pouring rain early in the morning is gd experience in driving. Just that i was silly to leave the aircon off and it started fogging...realised it doesn't fog when i turn on the aircon. Had to ask Ben to wipe the mist from the windscreen and window :p Bought pau from 711 for family and went back home after a loooong jam at the roads, coz parents also sending the beloved kids to VJ which jammed the entrance to my house.

Washed up, ate breakfast then went back to catch some sleep :p Ard 1 plus, my dad finally finished his Gui4 Fei1 bath...Greg booked Aston's Prime at 1:30pm, so not surprisingly we were late as usual. Managed to get a lot parked right in front of the restaurant. Was about 2pm. We ordered mushroom soups, cod fish (gd), oysters, beef, crab cakes sold out :(, pork ribs for dad, and Ben who arrived later after school, was persuaded to order the salmon (gd) by Greg. Salmon was surprisingly very tender inside coz they leave it like 'medium well' inside, so it's sashimi quality, but the portion was a bit small. I didn't like the sauce that went with my beef, so Greg and i shared half of our cod and beef. Liked the cod better with the butter sauce.

After that, went to ABC to meet up with 2 of my church choir friends, Alywin and Gabriel for tea. ABC sells roti prata, but of course was too full to eat anything else, so tea is good to wash down the food. 1st pic was taken by the indian serving, 2nd was done by Al for the self timer haha :P Just discovered this function which i seldom use, quite suaku. Then it poured heavily...Gab got 2 umbrellas for us and Al drove me home...it was 5 plus. Was running late for my dinner at Morton's.

And anyway, when i reached home, my dad was still not back yet from Tampines mall/Changi hospital. Called him few times b4 he finally answered...and he was too late to help top up the empty petrol tank. So had to do it again, as usual...and it was still pouring....Told Wenzhan to push the dinner from 630 to 7, then 730. Initial plan was to pick him up from Raffles place to Oriental hotel, but since my dad was not even back yet, he had to take MRT down. In the end i reached there slightly before him.

Morton's on the 4th floor. U'd see Melting Pot Cafe (we went there for a previous wedding show by Divine Couture and had buffet there), then Morton's bar on the right (elevated), Morton's Steakhouse is a small black door hidden, to the right of the Cafe. Opened the door and they said Mr Tian Boon Tan :P I said it was Mr Tan Boon Tian. Guess the person's not local. Another waiter shook my hand to wish me Happy Birthday, and got cut by my diamond ring :p (like my other choir friend, Ben-brother of Gab) haha, dunno how come they can get cut just by shaking my hand :PP Anyway we were ushered to our seats against the wall, and they pulled out the whole table for u to get in. Saw the menu, wenzhan told me they personalized it. And there was birthday confetti on the table. The prices were very Nice as well, all Ala Carte including side dishes, no buffet, no set meals. Before we placed our orders, the designated waitress Jonah (sp?) pushed out a tray of raw foods like brocolli, idaho potatoes, diff cuts of beef and a big lobster, plus salmon, tuna etc, and described the various cuts. Asked her if i could take a photo of her holding the lobster (Shown below). Then asked her for recommendations, and the diff between Porterhouse for 2 and the limited Prime cuts. Anyway she recommended us to share the latter, coz it was huge....so wat we both ate were actually 1 person's share my goodness...We were STUFFED. Lobster bisque $25 we shared was surprisingly not very tasty. It was like creamy and the lobster seems a bit tough/frozen kind. [Preferred Jack's Place's :P]. Then i ordered a crab cake $75 coz didnt get to eat in the afternoon...it was just 1 portion, worth of gold.....but it was good, well it better be good...then the beef came, mine was more charred coz i dun like to see blood in my food. Could taste the fat juices in the beef. Tried to cut away the fats, but some were just embedded in the meat, and it made a tastier diff to the beef. Sides we ordered a Lyonnaise potato as recommended by Jonah. Then came the dessert (which was the best), the 3 waitresses formed a mini choir and sang loudly with gusto Happy Birthday, it was great, although the higher part a bit chao sia. Quite paiseh, but all the guests in the restaurant cheered loudly after they sung. The chocolate cake oozed decadent chocolate sauce and accompanied by Haagan Daaz ice-cream. It was the best course of the night. Very yummy but heaty. Looked ard, there were 2 other ppl also celebrating birthdays (1 in a pte room), 1 jap couple so cute with a lobster pictured napkin eating their huge lobster...1 grp of businessmen with their wives, 1 ang moh eating alone, couple on our left eating the Double porter steak for 2 (wondered how they could finish it, the portion is just humongous) and a table of 3 big sized Ang mohs with 2 Filipino gals, 1 wearing a very short skirt...guess they were FPG (Filipino party gals)...

K enuff of boring u, then we rushed to Marina Square Golden Village to catch the opening of Balls Of Fury. Well, i cannot believe how ultra lame parts of the show were...it's really just a comic slick show...catch it if u wanna see Maggie Q's hot taut, slim body and pretty face in a sexy red cheongsam outfit haha. Well, i think she's hot. But it's like a bit degrading for her to be 'in love' and kissing the fat lead actor who's totally not hot. Guess the producers are trying to say the underdog wins...well well. tat's all that happened on 27th Sept. Amazed u finished this blog.

Left bought by Ben, right-Mon's gang


Mum's ang pao




Family except Ben


Mushrm soup very filling






dad eating his pork ribs




Ben enjoying the tender salmon


cod with butter sauce


Al, Gab


Self timer photo hence skewed


Jonah with lobster


HUGE onion loaf with delicious butter!


Not so nice lobster bisque


Birthday confetti


$75 crab cake


WZ's portion






Lovely dessert~








Outside my house








My fav lilies










Personalized menu


Gold menu of Nice Prices $$$






接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007