Joanna Yang
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Gynae visit 3rd Jul

Stariel is already 8 mths old or 33 weeks. She's 2kg and head facing downwards. Pretty happy to hear her progress. Coz the weight is good (safe to deliver although i dun want it to be earlier than August) and facing downwards means also ready for natural delivery.

Here are the pics

The top part shows the head and below is the spine.

As baby gets bigger, it's harder to 'photograph' it as not enuff space if i remember correctly wat the gynae said?

K, tat aside, Mr Cloudz and i had a big item purchase today too. Our new baby cot!!! Graco brand with music and night lights, adjustable bed height which can be switched to a playpen or lower the bed to lowest level when child's more than 7kg. It costs ard $200 plus (b4 discount 300 plus). The mattress cost $59 and the bedsheet $22.  We also bought stuff like bottle brusher, bottle liquid cleaner, baby clothes washing liquid, baby lotion, disposable panties. Total damage about slightly more than $370.

At least buying the baby cot is a big load off our minds. Now is finding the space to put as im staying with Mr Cloudz' family. Guess we'd only open it up when the time comes closer.

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007