Joanna Yang
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Gynae visit & packed 24th July 08

Tired after a long day today and it's my only total free day of the week.

11am scheduled for gynae visit. But was late as usual. Went to Macs nearby to have my fav breakfast set Sausage Mcmuffin with egg meal with hash brown, Mr Cloudz had his Mcgriddles meal. By the time we reached the hospital it was about 1130am. And by 12pm we went in (think we were the last one before lunch). Remembered i had some qns to ask Dr I. And before i asked her, she answered quite a number of my qns.

-Who is the stand-in gynae when she goes overseas for work

-Is the EDD (expected delivery date) still the same? This one she said can't tell yet. Next week onwards would be weekly check ups and she'd do internal check up to check the dilation...

  • Is the baby engaged?

  • Is the cord around the baby's neck?

  • Weight of baby

Currently baby is 2.3kg at 36 weeks, meaning there's 4 weeks more to my EDD. Dr I said i have gained less than 10 kg till now and she told me to eat more. She also looked at my legs and told me my legs are nice and slim, and not swollen like some mummies she saw-like elephant's. She said im lucky...

Anyway here're the scanned pics, and she said there's enuff amniotic fluid, and baby's head is down looking upwards towards the placenta.

Bill today without supplements came up to about S$70 after taxes.

Later we popped by Mothercare to look at nursing bras, but the discounted sizes were not mine.

Went to book the delivery ward and did payment so that we dun have to go thru the hassle when the actual delivery comes in the future. After govt's allowance for using Medisave, Mr Cloudz paid $830 for 2 days stay for natural delivery. Then had lunch at the food court .

Next stop-went to the warehouse showroom of an online shop called Moms in Mind as recommended by my church choir friend. Ended up buying 2 nursing bras for $60, and a baby sling for $49.90 that's made of silk, and comes with an instruction manual and DVD showing the various ways/positions to carry the baby. Damage= $109.90. The salesgals showed some mummies who brought their babies there to test the sling, they also showed me how to use the sling. Just happened tat 1 of them had really bad breath, i was trying to ignore it to concentrate on her instructions. Mr Cloudz later tot i didnt smell her bad breath; he was like turning his head away :P I was wondering how come her colleagues never told her...Anyway i quite like the silk sling i bought, tho i tot it was pretty expensive for a sling...chose a wine (reddish purple) colour =) Mr cloudz wanted his favourite bright orange..i was like er...i preferred the wine colour...

3rd Stop: Went to see Park Central- a newly launched govt cum condo-like design show flats which are situated in the same town as mr cloudz' parents place. It's called DBSS (Design Build Sell Scheme). It was therefore pricier, came with BBQ pits, jogging area, yoga area, children's playground, senior's corner downstairs. All 3 bedrms had built in central aircon,  a normal sized wardrobe in each rooms, floors of living room (marble like big tiles) and bedrooms (laminated wood, not parquet) came with the flat. The 4 flats are each 30-storey high.

4 rm flat (90-93 sq metres) : $433k-$567k

5 rm flat (100-120 sq metres): $534k-$689k

Higher the storey, the more you pay. Top floor had higher ceilings.

But we were not fazed due to the master bedrm had a compulsory balcony which cannot be enclosed, and the space could have been used to extend the pretty squeezed room. They wanted the balcony to promote a 'garden city' concept with plant boxes placed there....DOH.

Basically the space is pretty small, the kitchen is very small, the bedrms are quite small, the toilet adjoined to the master's does not have a bath tub, but a place for you to sit while bathing instead. I think for the steep prices, you can get a bigger flat in other locations. The thing is this area is already quite saturated with older flats, hence they said this would be the only new flats tat's in this area. Further reasons why im not fazed- the surroundings only had a market whereby the shops close in the afternoon, old shops, and not very near to the MRT either...nothing much in the vicinity...

K, but at least that's the 1st time we look at flats..usually in SG, those unmarried couples already looked at couple of flats before they want to settle down even. Guess the baby was also part of the driving force for us to look for our own home. Hope we can really find a spacious enough, value for money in an ok location...Jabez prayer~

Last stop: Paragon at Orchard to buy my reserved music books for my student tmr (the exam syllabus was revised from 2009 onwards). On the way dropped by one of my fav dessert/food place Bakerzin for tea. Decided to treat Mr Cloudz since he paid so much today, and low on cashflow...He ordered a Blackforest noir, i tried Sweet pleasure-hazelnut crunch cake tasted like a big hazelnut choco sweet, reminded me of Ferrero Rocher, too dry for my tastes :P was just being adventurous to try out new stuff. So far to play safe, the Tiramisu and Strawberry shortcake are good there...Desserts wise, i can't eat my Bailey's Souffle due to alcohol content, hence ended up trying the Raspberry Souffle

The souffle was sweet and eggy, tho mr cloudz found it a tad too sweet, and the ice-cream was a tad too sour with the berries in it. Guess Bailey's is still the best, too bad :(

After tat was too tired to catch movie, Hancock tho we had free tickets. Hence headed home.

Just now passed the macaroni cheese packet to mr cloudz who kindly cooked for us and he even washed the crockery. The portion seemed much less when 2 of us shared, instead the usual me only when he's out working; we also took a small bowl for his mum to try usually.

Yep tat was my long day today...Tired.

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Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007