Joanna Yang
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Was doing treatment just now in preparation for wedding in 16 days' time. And was reading Her World magazine Oct issue. Was appalled by 2 men's actions in a tragic story. A woman who lost his fiance in a motorbike accident, married her fiance's older brother because the family liked her a lot...she said she was young and naive so she did so. And the older brother was very possesive and easily jealous. Made accusations of her sleeping with men including her bosses. Once the guy asked his friend to inflict the terrible deed on this woman.

The friend was a tattoo artist. And yes, the guy and his friend bound her to the bed spread eagle, shoved a dirty cloth into her mouth, taped it and played loud techno music to drown out the drilling sounds of the tattoo equipment and her cries. They disfigured her body, on her breasts, around her nipples and a sign One Way pointing downwards...and stars on her arms. Blood was trickling everywhere and the friend wiped the blood...and she cried in pain, but the hubby did not care. Luckily her friend knocked on her door and stopped them from continuing their ghastly action and they shoved the friend and the woman's daughter aside. And the daughter saw her mum naked with all the scars and blood on her body. Must be a horrific sight and trauma to both. And the irony is that the tattoo artist told the hubby if he were in her position, he rather die than to go thru this agony. It lasted around an hour or so...

These men are worse than beasts!!!  

But i have to add that the woman was very fortunate to find a man whom she married and accepted her for wat she went through. And currently she's removing the tattoo scars, which is highly painful. Glad she's found her happiness finally. God bless her!

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
yeps....guess they'd get their just desserts in hell :P
接近 17 年 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007