Official Artist
Joanna Yang
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Jo's Bachelorette's party

13th Oct (Hari Raya)

[For larger photos, go to link http://cloudz7.multiply.com/photos/album/33/JosBachelorettesparty and click on photo thumbnails to enlarge OR try clicking on thumbnails below]

Didn't call it Hen's Night coz there're some "cocks"/"roosters" heh. It was one day after my Guo Da Li. Lyn organized it. Initially she wanted at Cafe Iguana but in the end it was fully booked and we went to Pump Room instead (which doesn't accept any reservations). Al said Cafe Iguana's food is not nice, so Lyn said perhaps it's a blessing in disguise.

My fiance picked me up as u can see from the photos in his repaired car after that accident (See earlier blog). Told him to hang the rosary blessed by a priest (bought by my student from Europe, Prague?) in the car to protect him from danger. When we reached Clark Quay, we saw Nette & Ben at Liang Court. Was very surprised to see Ben coz he wun join such stuff. So was not surprised when after they crossed over, Ben said he's sorry he's not joining the hen's night. So Nette and i walked to find the Pump Room, it was at block B. Nette asked how come wenzhan dun wanna join, i said where got fiance join hen's night one? heh.

Reached the place, luckily quite easy to find, but then they said must have like 6/8 ppl arrive b4 u can get seated! I was like huh??? In the end we asked other waiters and they allowed finally. So inflexible...then Lyn joined us, then the rest Candice, Al, Bensen, Denyse and Leslie S arrived. Ordered dinner first, had the Fishermen's Basket, quite huge consisting of crab cake, scallop, prawns beer battered, and chips. Al next to me was having his usual lamb, and i exchanged my chips for his cheese quiche, quite yummy but he found it too cheesy. So just nice :) Lyn had Salmon, Nette only had soup coz she ate, Leslie S-beer battered dory fish (Huge in portion), Bensen and Candice had ribeye. Denyse ate. After dinner Denyse requested to shift to the sofa wall seats, which i was glad. Had in mind the same thing.

That was then the sabo began...ok Lyn bought this tiara for me to wear, and i was supposed to wear it throughout the night, even when i go to the ladies. Then they started discussing what they should order for me...in the end looked thru the list, saw a drink with melon liqour, pineapple juice, dunno wat else....vodka?, so ordered a Sex on the Bar, very big glass for a cocktail...then Denyse: Lager beer; Lyn: lychee martini whereby i kapo-ed 1 lychee, Nette: 7 up vodka, bensen: some red drink; Leslie S: white wine; Al: Bourbon coke, Candice: plain water (wanna be sober while driving heh). To slow down the process of me drinking, i suggested games like the Number game, where one thinks of the number, and the rest guess the no. by narrowing it by saying a number which narrows the range from 1 to 99. Not bad, so diverted the risk to all the rest, worked ;p Before that they suggested the game 7 Up- Say 7 Up when the number hits a multiple of 7 or has 7 in it. Not bad, didn't kena any punishment for that one ;p hee. So after that they found my drink was quite full still, Denyse said i really could stretch my drink, so she decided to give me her wedding blessings by toasting me, so i can't refuse....emotional blackmail haha. Then they managed to order the 2nd drink for me, which i requested: had bailey's, kahlua and banana liquor- Blowjob. It was a small shot glass with whipped cream generously topped...Denyse say this is like dessert, very nice one, must finish in one gulp...tried to bargain for half gulp 1st, but in the end got co-erced into finishing coz got the guys and her to bottoms up with me, and she promised it's the last drink...after the Sex on the bar, my pulse i could feel my neck was beating very fast and my face was very hot, and flushed. Al said it's good to turn red, means your blood circulation is good and trying to work off the alcohol. Sounds quite scandalous the names of the drinks i chose haha. After that they started asking me about my love life and so forth...

Then, another round of sabo began, they wrote a dedication on the back of the Pump Room coaster (sp?) to the live band. I was called to go up to the stage...argh i didnt want to!!! But Lyn said must go up, must go up!! Felt pressurized so no choice...the band was calling "Who's Jo? Come to the stage.." And to make things worse, the keyboardist was playing those wedding march songs...so embarrasing! Ok, watever just go to near the stage, then the band told me to come up...went up reluctantly...the spot light was literally on me and all the bar ppl were looking at the fiasco that was about to take place. First they said "Oh, so you're getting married in exactly 2 weeks' time", i said "Yes", asked me wat's the longer version for "Jo", told them "Joanna", then they started humming the super corny song "Hope, Joanna give me Hope, Joanna...".Asked me wat song i liked, said "Over the rainbow", they were a bit stunned, but keyboardist played a bit. After that, one of them asked "Have u had any intimate moments with your fiance?" I said "Yes". Then best part, show us 3 of your favourite positions with him, demonstrate with one of the band members....i was like thinking oh my gosh......i folded my arms...dunno wat to do...then i was thinking maybe i should just pretend to hug him, then that was counted as 1. 2nd one: he himself bent down in front of me, the i put my hands on his shoulders..he said, eh actually i should be the one behind...watever...no 3..this time he actually raised my left leg against him!!!! k.....and finally it's over. Best part was, Lyn had all the positions captured on her camera! Then the band asked the bar for a champagne for me...i was like i had enough of alcohol liao, still got one more?!?!? Then went back relieved to my seat. Tried to make the rest share the champagne with me. The band started playing more music the sounded pretty good, and Nette commented they sounded like the radio. They played a birthday dedication song to Winnie using the intro/mood of the corny Joanna Hope song, then the music led to the corny song...ok, but it sounded quite happening :P After the band rested, the dance songs began.

Then we observed the dance floor, a lot of ang mohs especially guys in the crowd. Quite nice to dance to some of the music, altho i seldom go to such places...if not for make up classes today, i would have stayed longer to dance. So when Denyse suggested making a move, i was like...ok...if not wun have enuff rest, concussed to teach my class...

Candice fetched Denyse back, and Al fetched the rest of us. Leslie S left earlier in MRT. Nette was i think quite drunk/blur tot that Candice was still in the toilet with us, altho she left with Denyse already. Lyn bought a turkish ice cream on the way, sharing with Bensen, tried some scoops. Had vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and lemon. Lemon tasted a bit weird...Ok glad to reach home safely not drunk....perhaps the alcohol had worn off and i guess perhaps the drinks i had were pretty mild...heh

Thanks to Lyn Goh for organizing, and my beloved church choir friends, Al, Nette, Candice, Denyse, Leslie Small and Bensen for celebrating the night with me. Bill came up to like $330, pretty heavy man....thanks for making the night so special!











Al's fav usual lamb


my Fishermen's basket




Al, Leslie S, Bensen








Candice, Nette, i






my Sex on the Bar


Candice & Nette making boats






Leslie S


the gals~


the guys~




our drinks




Candice advertising for Pump Room


Grp photo




my Blowjob


whipped cream skewed












the band

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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April 12, 2007